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Activities & Projects

The Change Makers Forum
 May 24, 10:00 AM 
USJ Campus de l’Innovation et du Sport –

The Change-Makers Forum will gather 30 to 40 Lebanese and Arab non-governmental organizations, social entrepreneurs, cultural collectives and citizen groups that are working every day to make their countries more democratic, more tolerant, more prosperous, and more enjoyable places for all their citizens.
The Forum, held in the heart of the avant-garde architecture of Université St-Joseph’s Campus de l’Innovation et du Sport, will give each group a dedicated space to exhibit their publications, products and any materials they wish to display. The Forum will be an opportunity for all the change-makers to connect, exchange experiences and build bridges. The public will have the chance to meet those who create the positive change that we all long for and find ways of contributing positively to the work of these groups.
Participating organizations will also have the opportunity to speak up, hold public projections, artistic performances and any other activity that will highlight their goals and achievements.
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