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Activities & Projects

The Samir Kassir Foundation at the 2012 Salon du Livre
The Samir Kassir Foundation is taking part in the 19th "Salon du Livre francophone" in Beirut, from Saturday October 27, through November 4, 2012, at the BIEL exhibition center.
The theme of this year's participation is "THE DAY AFTER"

On its stand, the Foundation will:
  • Display books and publications around reconstruction, democracy, institutional development, and transitional justice
  • Sell Samir Kassir's books
  • Distribute reports and newsletters published by the SKeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom

Lebanese NGOs and institutions will also be hosted.
Sunday, October 28: ALEF - Act for Human Rights
Monday, October 29: Dispatch Beirut
Tuesday, October 30: Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE)
Wednesday, October 31: Nahwa al-Muwatiniya
Thursday, November 1: MAJAL - Academic Urban Observatory

The Foundation will also host a debate, on Tuesday, October 30 at 6:00 PM, at the large conference room, around "[re]Building the Day After".
With: Gisèle Khoury (President of the Samir Kassir Foundation) as moderator, and:

  • Riccardo Bocco – [re]Building memory – Geneva Institute for Higher International Studies (Switzerland)
  • Barrie Freeman – [re]Building institutions – National Democratic Institute (USA)
  • Bernard Khoury – [re]Building cities – Architect (Lebanon)
  • Serge Yazigi – [re]Building urban spaces – MAJAL (Lebanon)

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